
The Squash Central Senior Representative team has been announced for 2021 and is looking stronger than ever.  the team heads to the Teams Nationals in Wellington on the 27 - 29th August.

We wish the teams all the best as they battle the other 11 districts for the titles.

This years team is:

The Central Juniors Age Group Championships 2021 were hosted by Taihape Squash Club on 26 - 27th June.  While the temprature dropped dramatically outside over the weekend the Taihape club maintained a toasty temp with their new heat pumps and the hot action on court.

SquashGym Palmerston North hosted the annual Central Doubles tournament sponsored by Active Refrigeration over 28- 29th May .  The club is one of only a few around New Zealand to have doubles courts which are wider than traditional squash courts.   The district was lucky enough to be able to have the entire competition completely on doubles courts.